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27 September 1997:
A half century of modern Church expansion: 1947-97
27 September 1997:
Gospel ingrained in the lives and culture of Finnish members
Please send us any news you have.
The Church News recently announced assignments for new mission presidents this year. President Fuller will have completed his three-year assignment in July. The new Finnish mission president, P. Lyn Thompson, served a mission in Finland 1958-1961. He currently lives in Bountiful, Utah, practicing orthopedic surgery.
Sources: Church News 3/16/96 and Pres. Thompson's entry in the Finnish returned missionary directory
Tampereen Vaarnan patriarkka Matti Hokkanen kuoli pitkallisen sairauden seurauksena kotonaan 26.joulukuuta 1995. Hautajaiset olivat Jyvskylssa 6.tammikuuta 1996. Veli Hokkanen toimi Tampereen vaarnan patriarkkana vaarnan peruatamisesta 17.huhtikuuta 1983 lahtien. Hn antoi tehtavassaan noin 400 patriarkan siunausta. Veli Hokkanen liittyi kirkkoon 1959. Hn oli myos Tukholman temppelin sinetoija. Muistotilaisuutta Jyvskyln kappelilla johti vaarnanjohtajan II neuvonantaja Martti Lehto, joka puoliso Marita on Veli Hokkasen tytr. Tilaisuudessa puhuivat Veli Hokkasen lapset Marita Lehto ja Petri Hokkanen ja Petri Hokkasen puoliso Ritva Hokkanen lausui kaksi runoa. Source: Pekka Holopainen |
Tampere stake patriarch Matti Hokkanen died after a long illness at his home December 26th, 1995. The funeral was held in Jyvskyl January 6th. Brother Hokkanen had served as Tampere Stake patriarch since the stake was founded April 17th, 1983. During this time he gave about 400 blessings as patriarch. Brother Hokkanen joined the church in 1959. He has also been a sealer in the Stockholm Temple. The memorial service was conducted by the second counselor in the Tampere Stake presidency, Brother Martti Lehto, whose wife Marita is Brother Hokkanen's daughter. During the service Brother Hokkanen's children, Marita, Lehto and Petri spoke. Petri's wife Ritva recited two poems. |
Robert Graham Wade died at 5 am Saturday Dec. 30th at his wife Faye's childhood home in Salt Lake City following a doubt with oral cancer that he fought for 11 months. All the members of his family were with him when he passed away. A funeral was held in Salt Lake City January 3rd.
President Wade served as a missionary in Finland from 1958-60, and returned there with his wife Faye and his children to served as mission president from 1972-75.
Sources: Kirk Strickland and The Deseret News
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Last changed 16 April 1998