A book
commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Finnish Mission
Over 250 pages of high-quality printing
- Beautiful hardcover binding
- History of the mission
- Articles containing experiences and memories from
each mission president
- Sidebar of historical events pertaining to the
- 25-page section of photos, many in color, plus more
throughout the book
- Comprehensive listing of all Finnish
- Greetings from former missionaries
- All text in both English and Finnish
- A great addition to your library
Don't regret not buying one!
Much of the cost of the book has been donated, so you can
order one for only $17.00 (U.S.) plus $3.00 shipping --
$20.00 total (or you can pick it up in person to avoid the
shipping cost!)
Make checks payable to Finnish Mission Book.
Order from:
50th Anniversary Committee
c/o Artistic Printing
377 West 100 South
Salt Lake City UT 84101
Phone: 801-532-5363
Books will also be available for sale at the semiannual
mission reunions (save on shipping cost).
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Mission Homepage