Reunion for President Fuller -- April 1999


President and Sister Fuller are having their own reunion on Friday, April 2 before the regular Finnish Mission Reunion in Salt Lake City that night.

Endowment Session:
Time: April 2, 1999 -- 8:30 a.m. Session
Location: Mount Timpanogos Temple
(742 North 900 East, American Fork)
(Please be at the temple no later than 7:45 am in order to change and be in the chapel with the rest of the group. Tell them you are in our mission group.)

Time: 11:00 a.m.
Location:Golden Corral Restaurant
(225 W. University Parkway, Orem)
Cost: $8.00 per person, to be paid at the brunch.
There will be time for a short informal program and a general visit.

Any questions can be answered by calling the Fullers at (801) 756-2328.