A Brief History of The Cherokees:
1540-1906 (With Epilogue to
Referenced Sources
Author's Family Genealogy
- More detailed source
information may be obtained by contacting
- Brad Agnew: "Fort Gibson -
Terminal on the Trail of Tears," Univ. Of Okla. Press,
Norman, 1980
- Edwin C. Bearss & A. M.
Gibson: "Fort Smith - Little Gibraltar on the Arkansas,"
Univ. of Okla. Press, 1969
- John P. Brown: "Old Frontiers,"
Southern Pub. Inc., 1938
- Janet & David G. Campbell:
"The Macintosh Family Among the Cherokees," Journal of
Cherokee Studies, Vol. V, No. l, Spring 1980
- Cherokee Advocate, Tahlequah,
- J. F. H. Claiborne: "Life and
Times of General Sam Dale," orig. pub. Harpner, N. Y.,
- Col. James F. Corn: "Sam
Houston, The Raven," Journal of Cherokee Studies, Vol.
VI, No.1, Spring 1981
- Plaque at the grave of Nancy
Ward, funded by Tennessee American Revolution
Bicentennial Commission and Polk County Bicentennial
- David Dobson: "Directory of
Scots Banished to the American Plantations 1650-1775,"
Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore 1984
- E. Raymond Evans: "Bob Benge,"
Journal of Cherokee Studies, Vol. l, No.2, Fall
- E. Raymond Evans: "Following
the Rainbow - The California Gold Rush," Journal of
Cherokee Studies, Vol. II, No.1, Winter 1977
- E. Raymond Evans: "Ostenaco,"
Journal of Cherokee Studies, Vol. l, No.1, Summer
- M. Foster Farley: "Christian
Priber - Prime Minister to the Cherokee Indians," Journal
of Cherokee Studies, Vol. VIII, No. 2, Fall
- John R. Finger: "The North
Carolina Cherokees 1838-1866," Journal of Cherokee
Studies, Vol. V, No. l, Spring 1980
- Grant Foreman: "Pioneer Days in
the Early Southwest," pub. 1926
- Grant Foreman: "Indians &
Pioneers," Yale Univ. Press, 1930
- Grant Foreman: "Early History
of Spavinaw," Chronicles of Okla., Mar - Dec. 1931
- Grant Foreman: "Indian
Removal," Univ. of Okla. Press, 1932
- Grant Foreman: "Advancing the
Frontier 1830-1860," Univ. of Okla. Press,
- Grant Foreman: "The Five
Civilized Tribes," Univ. of Okla. Press, 1934
- Grant Foreman: "The Five
Civilized Tribes - A Brief History and a Century of
Progress," (booklet), Indian Centennial Board, Muskogee
OK 1948
- Grant Foreman: "Sequoyah,"
Univ. of Okla. Press, 1938
- Gazette of the U.S., July 25,
1789: "Speeches from the Treaty of Hopewell," Journal of
Cherokee Studies, Vol. IV, No.2, Spring 1979
- E. L. Gilmore: "Sequoyah -
Information Comes in Pieces," Cherokee Advocate, Vol.
VIII, No.3, March 1984, pp 10-11
- Ludovick Grant: Memorial of
Jan. l2, 1756, "Historical Relation of Facts," S.C.
Historical 8, Genealogical Magazine, Vol. X, No.1, Jan.
- Alexander Hewitt: "Rise and
Progress of the Colonies of S.C. and Ga.,"
- Vol. I & II, Univ. of N.C.
- Shirley H. Hoskins: Cherokee
Blood Newsletter, Spring 1983, Vol. I
- Richard W. Iobst: "William
Holland Thomas and the Cherokee Claims," Cherokee Indian
Nation, ed. by Duane H. King, Univ. of Tenn.
- Appendix A: Ross Directed
Emigration Detachments, Journal of Cherokee Studies,
Vol.3, No.3, Summer 1978
- James C. Kelly:
"Attakullakulla," Journal of Cherokee Studies, Vol. III,
No. 1, Winter 1978
- James C. Kelly: "Oconostota,"
Journal of Cherokee Studies, Vol. III, No. 4, Fall
- Duane H. King & E. Raymond
Evans: "The Death of John Walker Jr.," Journal of
Cherokee Studies, Vol. I, No. 1, Summer 1976
- Duane H. King: Introduction to
"The Cherokee Indian Nation," Univ. of Tenn. Press,
- Duane H. King: "James Mooney,
Ethnologist," Journal of Cherokee Studies, Vol. VII, No.
1, Spring 1982
- Duane H. King: "The Origin of
the Eastern Cherokees as a Social Political Entity," The
Cherokee Indian Nation, Univ. of Tenn. Press,
- Archibald Loudon: "A Selection
of Some of the Most Interesting Narratives of Outrages
Committed by the Indians in Their Wars with the White
People," (quotation from James Adair), reprinted - 2 vol.
In one, orig. pub. 1808
- Anon. Traveler from Maine:
"Suffering Exiles," Journal of Cherokee Studies, Vol. 3,
No.3, Summer 1978 (orig. pub. Jan. 26, 1839)
- Lieut. Francis Marion: "Sowing
Tares of Hate," Journal of Cherokee Studies, Vol. II,
No.3, Summer 1977
- James Mooney: "Myths of the
Cherokees," (& "Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees,")
19th & 7th Annual Reports, Bureau of American
Ethnology, reproduced 1982 by Cherokee Heritage Books in
1 vol.
- Muskogee Daily Phoenix &
Times Democrat, Muskogee, OK
- National Archives - Creek War
- Newsweek Magazine, New York,
- Theda Perdue: "Remembering
Removal 1867," Journal of Cherokee Studies, Vol. VII,
No.2, Fall 1982
- V. Richard Persico Jr.: "Early
19th Century Cherokee Political Organization," from "The
Cherokee Indian Nation," ed. by Duane H. King, Univ. of
Tenn. Press, 1979
- John Phillip Reid: "A Perilous
Rule - The Law of International Homicide," from "The
Cherokee Indian Nation," ed. by Duane H. King, Univ. of
Tenn., Press, 1979
- James 0. Sanders: Family
history of Nancy Ward, 1983
- Betty Anderson Smith:
"Distribution of 18th Century Cherokee Settlements," from
"The Cherokee Indian Nation," ed. by Duane H. King, Univ.
of Tenn. Press, 1979
- Emmet Starr: "History of the
Cherokee Indians," The Warden Co., Oklahoma City, OK
- William Strickland: "Cherokee
Rhetoric - A Forceful Weapon," Journal of Cherokee
Studies, Vol. II, No. 4, Fall 1977
- James W. Tyner: Introduction to
"Those Who Cried," Chi-ga-u Inc., 1974
- Grace Steele Woodward: "The
Cherokees," Univ. of Okla. Press 1963